ECU Athletics and the Pirate Club are excited to announce the completion of the $1 million matching gift challenge, initiated by Bill Clark Homes, to fund the new Dick and Sarah Bennett Baseball Building. The dollar-for-dollar matching challenge inspired 440 members of Pirate Nation to contribute, raising over $1 million in new gifts in just over two weeks.
“We cannot thank Pirate Nation enough for their continued investment and support of our department,” ECU Director of Athletics Jon Gilbert said. “The generosity shown by Bill Clark Homes and leaders Lance Clark and Heath Clark will have a monumental and lasting impact on past, current and future Pirates. We are looking forward to bringing this project to life.”
Donors who contributed $100 or more will receive a commemorative gift, with shipments beginning next week for those who have fulfilled their pledges. As part of the Pirates Unite Campaign, participants will also receive double priority points for their investment. The Pirate Club will continue to accept gifts to this project.